ASCII dithering

In this example, we are going to approximate a grayscale gradient with an ASCII ramp such as .:-=+*#%@.

using Images
using DitherPunk
using TestImages

img = testimage("cameraman")

When loading an image, we need to compensate for the aspect ratio of ASCII characters.

img = imresize(img; ratio=(1//14, 1//6))

We then define an ASCII ramp and a corresponding grayscale color scheme of matching length.

ascii_ramp = split(" .:-=+*#%@", "")
cs = Gray.(range(0, 1; length=10))

Dithering will return an IndirectArray:

d = dither(img, cs)

Instead of showing d as an image, we can use its indices to select the corresponding ASCII characters from the ramp.

mat = ascii_ramp[d.index]
37×86 Matrix{SubString{String}}:
 "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  …  "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"
 "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"     "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "*"
 "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"     "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "+"
 "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "+"     "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"
 "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"     "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"
 "*"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "+"  …  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"
 "+"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "+"  "*"     "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"
 "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"     "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"
 "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"     "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "+"
 "*"  "+"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"  "*"     "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"
 ⋮                        ⋮              ⋱       ⋮                        ⋮
 "="  "+"  "+"  "="  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"     "="  "="  "-"  "-"  "="  "="  "="
 "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "="     "="  "="  "-"  "="  "="  "="  "="
 "+"  "="  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  "+"  …  "="  "="  "="  "+"  "="  "+"  "+"
 "="  "="  "+"  "="  "+"  "+"  "="  "+"     "+"  "="  "+"  "="  "="  "="  "="
 "+"  "="  "+"  "+"  "+"  "="  "="  "+"     "="  "="  "="  "="  "="  "="  "-"
 "="  "="  "="  "+"  "="  "-"  "+"  "="     "="  "+"  "="  "="  "+"  "="  "="
 "+"  "+"  "*"  "+"  "="  "+"  "+"  "="     "="  "-"  "="  "="  "="  "="  "-"
 "="  "="  "="  "+"  "="  "="  "="  "-"  …  "="  "-"  "-"  "="  "="  "="  "+"
 "="  "="  "="  "="  "+"  "="  "+"  "="     "="  "="  "-"  "="  "="  "-"  "="

Pretty printing each row of this matrix will output the image:

for r in eachrow(mat)
*++*+**+**********#**#*****#*#*####*: :=*##*##*#*#*#**#**#*************+***++++++++*++
+*****+***************#*#*#***#***       . =:#*#*#*#*#*#*************+**+*+***+*+*++++
*+*+**********#*#*#*#**#*#*###*#* . . ..    .:*#****#*****#***********+**+*+++*+++++*+
*******************#*##*#*****##    *.  ##==..::-##***#************+***+*++*+*+++*+*++
*+************#*#*#****##*##**- . ..==++***#.:-**%.=@%**#***********+***+**+++++++++++
**+*+************#**#-.  .. .    #==: :=+-:*:-::.::+.#************+**++**++**+*+*++*++
*************#*#**#: . ..  . .. . -+=.  .+*+::.:=:.++*+++**************++**++*++++++++
+***************-.  . .  .. . :  .=. .  .-**+.::.:  .*************+*+*+**++*++*+*+*+++
**+*+********#..  .. . .     . .  ... * ..+=+##%%#::**********+*+*******+**+*+++++++++
+******+*+**.   .   . . . ...   . . +      #*#%%+ .****+*+***+****+*++*+*++*+*+*+*++++
*++*++*****  .. . ..   . .   . .  + ....  .+  . . :********+***++*****+*+**+++++++++++
*******+****.    .  ... .  .  - .  .    . .+.#=: . ***+*+*+**+***=+*+**+*++*+*++*+++++
+*+*+*+**+****= .      . .. :::.. . ...    - . .. #*********+*+*+#***+**+**+*+*+++++*+
***+*******+***:  .. .. .  .....:. .    . : =# *+ .***+*+*********##**++**+*+++*++*+++
*+****+*+******  .        .   :. ..  :** .- +#**** .******+*+*+++#***+**+*#*#**+++++++
***+*******+**. .  .. . .. ...  .. ..***.:.+=%*+*== .***#**********#**+***+*+*++*+*+*+
=====++*****#  . ..  . .  .   ..  . *### +*++#*+==++ .#+**####+++#***+*++++++*+*++++++
---+=++*+==* .  .  .  . .. ...  .. %###...#*+#**##*+* .****++++++=++*+*******+==+=++==
:-::-::::-:.  .  .. ..  .     ..  :*+++ +-=-+%=+**+*+=  .*.:*-#-..-+#*#*#*##*+=-::----
=+++=+++++. . ...  .  ..  ....  .:++++.  +-=.:**-+=-:-= .*::-=:.:..:...-*+::.===..:..:
=+*++==++.  .    .  ..  ..    .. -=+== =-==-+%--+===+=+= .++==+=+=+++++++++++==+++=++=
+++=+=++- .  .... ..  ..  . ..  -*++*  :*=++=#+++++-*+++=  ++=+=+=+==+=+=====+========
++=+=+== . .       . .  . ..  .-==++= =.==++=#+======-*=== .===+=============-======-=
=++=++++++. .. ...  . ..    .. +++++  =-++++-#+++++++++=%++  ++=+============+===--===
+++++++=+=++ :   ... .  . ..  +++*+= +.+=+++=++++++===++==*=:#++++++==+===+======-====
+=++++++++++. :.      ..  . ..+++++  *++=+==+=++=++++++==+++- .====--======+==+===+=++
==+=++=+++*+...::: . .   . . +++==- - -===++=++=++++++++++++++  ++=++==+======++=+====
+=+++==+=++:...:::::.  . .::-+===+. *=-==+===+===++=+++=+++=+=+ .++======+==+========-
===+=-+==-+... :::.+ : :..::+=++++:@@++===++++++==+=+=+++++*+++=-*=+==++-=======+==+==
++*+=++=+=*..:: :.=+:......=+=+=+:=@=+=+=+===+====+++++==+====-==-*+=+=-+-=+=--=-====-
===+===-=+= ..:::.=+:--::-..===+=.##=======++===+++++=++==+++=-===-*+=+====-====--===+
====+=+=+=+.:. ::=-=- .-:: -=+-=:=@=+=+++++==+=====+=+-==+=+-+++==+-#=-=+-=-=====-==-=

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